The final member of our family

Hey Mike,

Remember how before we even got married we both dreamed of having a boat for our family one day? And how we saved and saved and worked our butts off to buy one?  How we drove down the freeway and our hearts ached while we watched other people towing their boats?

All the “one day we’ll….” trips we have planned.  The years and years we spent bumming rides on other people’s boats and looked at each other with that look–the “we have to have our own boat” look.

How time and time again one thing or another, or one newborn or another, seemed to eat away at the “boat fund”.  (Those babies definitely ate away at the boat fund…)

And how when we finally, finally were ready to buy one and for one reason or another, each boat we thought was ours slipped through our fingertips.

We have big dreams for our family.  We worked hard.  We sacrificed.  We made a goal.  And then we talked about it as if there was no question it was going to happen.  “When we have a boat” not “If we get a boat”.

And now.  Now the longings are over.  And the lake is calling.  And we get to spend hours and hours and hours trapped in a small space with our four kids.  And bonding will happen unlike it happens anywhere else.

Because there’s something magical about the lake.  And being together in such a confined space.  With the single motive of bonding a family together with love and fun!

I’m proud of us.  I’m proud of you.

And I can’t wait to make this newest member of our family (it’s the “kid” we’ve always known needed to be a part of our family) part of our family story.

We did it!


{Note to readers:  No we are not trying to keep up with the Jones’s.  A boat isn’t about what people think of us.  It’s a means to an end for our family.  Annnnd it happens to bring more joy to my husband’s face than anything else on God’s earth.  And being on the lake with him is about as close to heaven as I’ll ever get while in a mortal body.  And it brings joy to our family.  So we will boat.  And use it to bond our family together.  And use it for the good and blessing of others as well.  

And will most assuredly have plenty of days where the boat breaks down in the middle of a sweltering summer day with four crying kids, no drinking water, and a sudden infestation of mosquitoes.  Then maybe it won’t be so magical.  But still worth it.

My dad used to say “When you can take a $100 dollar bill and flush it down the toilet every day for a month, then you’re ready to buy a boat.”
It’s one of the few things my dad has said I have chosen to ignore.  🙂
Bring on the lake!!!!}

Tell My Story Photography Classes

This is NOT your average photography class.  It’s not just about the camera and what all those words mean: aperture, exposure, ISO, composition, shutter speed.  

Though we’ll learn a lot about how the camera works and how to take better “technical” photos, the heart of this class is focused on the WHY behind the picture taking.  Because as long as you have a why, you’ll figure out the how.  That’s what makes this class different than any other photography class out there.

It’s about the people and relationships we’re taking pictures of.   How we can grow closer to and more in tune with our children (and spouse) through the gift of photography.

How we can be more intentional mothers using photography.  

How we can use photography and displaying photographs to tell a better family “story”.

And how we can help our children learn who they’ve always been and give them a sense of love and belonging in a world where we all desperately need to feel that.

And we’ll have fun!  And laugh.  A lot.  I promise.

The first portion of the class will be completed online where you can work at your own pace and learn the elements of taking “technically” better photographs.  Then we’ll use that foundation of knowledge in an interactive, hands on class where you will learn how to be in control of your camera and get consistently better photos.  You will be able to practice what you learned in the online portion of the class with direct access to me for help.

Then we’ll tie it all together and discuss how to get emotionally better photographs.  And how the gift of photography can help us be better parents and create an intentional family story.
Don’t just take my word for it.  Hear it from people who have already attended the class:

I’ve had my camera for almost 3 years now and still have never learned how to use any manual setting. I either had “no time” and/or it was too overwhelming to try and find a class that would help me without talking over my head. Lindsay takes beautiful pictures so I was so excited to hear what she has to say–about picture-taking in general. She told us not only about tips for taking better pictures, but WHY we should be taking pictures in the first place. She also taught us the basics of the manual settings–SO HELPFUL. The setting was relaxed and it was all in one day. I loved it. I truly believe that picture taking is THE BEST INVESTMENT…I really needed to learn more so that I can practice and end up taking better and better pictures so that my kids can remember their childhoods with better clarity. THANK YOU LINDSAY! I recommend this class to everyone!”  Jacqui

I learned so much from taking the “tell my story” class. Lindsay was very thorough in the way she explained parts of the camera and different concepts. It was also great to have her teach as we completed the “practical” portion of the class. The class changed the way that I take pictures and even the way that I view photography. I have such a greater appreciation now. I would highly recommend taking this class!”  April

“This photography class taught me so much more than how to take my camera out of auto (so excited that I now know how to use manual mode.)  Lindsay was awesome, she taught the importance of catching those everyday moments that tell the STORY of my life!  I am awful at journaling.  I am now committing myself to break out my camera and capturing the happy, the sad, and the everyday things that make up my STORY and my families STORY!!”  Natalie

“This class gave me time to think about why I take the pictures I take and am I taking enough of the pictures that matter to me and my family.  I learned some great tools to help me do that and I now feel more inspired than ever to take more and better photos of our lives–photos that tell a story about who we are and not what we want others to think we are.  Thank you for letting me be a part of this.”  Shara

“I cannot thank you enough for allowing me to participate and be a part of the class yesterday. It was such a day well spent. You are passionate about what you do and why you do it and I left inspired in ways I did not anticipate. “  Kim

I’ve had my camera for a while now.  It’s a nice camera and sometimes I get really awesome pictures.  But sometimes I don’t.  Now I understand how to control my camera so I consistently get the pictures I want.  I loved the “live” shoot we did so I could practice what we had learned and have you there to answer all my questions.  I also really liked the section of the class where we talked about why the pictures are so important and how we can use photographs to really tell the stories of our children’s lives.  Finally I understand what all those photography terms mean and what all the dials on my camera do, and I am excited to practice so I can consistently tell the story I want to tell with my pictures.”  Brittany

I look at the way I take pictures and the day to day things in my life in a whole new way!  I’m so excited for this new approach to my photography and life!  Thank you”   Sarah

I wanted to tell you thank you for the photography class! I have been playing/practicing (ALL IN MANUAL) and I think I at least know which numbers mean what, and how to adjust! I think it will take me a lot more practice and maybe a new AUTO FOCUS lens for christmas:). I actually really loved the first half of the class about WHY to take pictures and how to tell my kids stories better. I am determined to start looking for the mundane things that I know I’ll miss.  Thanks again…

you’re a good teacher!”   Kamie

**Class sizes are small so each person gets individual attention and help with their camera settings as well as plenty of time and opportunity to ask questions.** 

*Sign up with a friend and you each get $20 off.  E-mail me directly to sign up with a friend.*

Any questions–Email me:  [email protected]

{Design for the Tell My Story banner done by the ridiculously talented Meredith Carty.  You can find her here.}

The “every day”

When I started doing photography it was 100% for the money.  Not because I was passionate about photography or shutter speeds or f-stops.  Not because I was artistic or creative and I needed an outlet.  Not because I had a “good eye” or was naturally talented at taking pictures.  I saw an opportunity to make money (which I like) photography sports (which I LOVE) so I went for it.

My perspective when I first started as a photographer and my perspective now are radically different.

The truth is, I still don’t take pictures because I’m passionate about photography.  I take pictures because I’m passionate about the people IN the pictures.  And the stories of their lives.


When I learned how to take pictures of people (not just sports), I knew my style wouldn’t be typical.  I quickly started to learn how powerful a photograph can be.  Sounds dramatic, but it’s true.  A photograph can be more than just a photograph.  A photograph can show a persons soul.  It has the ability to tell the world who someone IS.  And that’s not a small thing.


As my style developed as a photographer, my mission became to focus on personality and relationships.  To have emotion in my photographs.  To tell, without words, who someone is.

Sometimes a perfect memory can be ruined if put to words  Nova Ren Suma


I attended a seminar where another photographer said “The power we possess to bring out someone’s inner most soul is an art form.  We allow people to see pas their insecurities and see who they really are.”  I believe that.


This has completely changed the way I take pictures of my own children.  And the importance I give to the photographs I take (and display) of them.


As a parent, one of my main goals is to allow my children to be who they already are.  Images are one way I can help them discover who that is.  Photography has become a tool in my life to help me be a more intentional, present, and aware mom.  To appreciate my children more.  To be aware of who they are and who they are becoming.  To document their lives.  The good AND the bad.  And to document our families story.

Photography has given me more patience.  More love.  More compassion.  More awareness.  And most importantly, more intention to live a purposeful life.  That’s why it’s SO important to me and why I want to share that gift with other people.

It’s the every day stuff.  What they do from day to day that show who they are.  So in my opinion, the pictures I take of my kids in my own home are by far the most important kind.

Photography is a gift because it allows us to see the beauty in what can feel routine and mundane.”  Ashley Campbell.




2 simple tips to dramatically improve your photos

If you look at most pictures that just aren’t good, there is generally one reason why.

They’re blurry.  Out of focus.  Fuzzy.  Whatever you want to call it.

There are a few things that make pictures blurry.

1.  The photographer didn’t hold the camera steady enough (camera shake)
2.  There wasn’t enough light

So here’s how you fix it.

1.  Hold your elbows up against your body when you take a picture.  You may feel (and possibly look) ridiculous but who really cares.  This is especially a problem when we take pictures with our phones.  Because we extend our arms and hold the camera out.  I don’t know about you, but my arms aren’t strong enough to keep the camera completely still.  Thus, camera blur.

So tuck those elbows in by your body.  Or lean against a wall.  Or use a tripod (because you probably just have one of those in your back pocket).

2.  Find more light.  Good light is THE KEY in almost all situations to a good photograph.
Go outside (assuming it’s not night of course), go by a window, open a door.  Find the light.  If you let more light into the camera, it is able to “freeze” the action and make our pictures “sharp” (in focus) instead of blurry.

And tada.  Better pictures.  So quit whippin your camera around when taking photos and find the light.  Light is good.

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