100 Burpee Challenge

I get a little burned out on my various workouts every now and then and am always on the lookout for new things to help me stay in shape.

I’m planning to run the Big Cottonwood Half Marathon this September so I’ll be doing a lot of running, but I’ve been looking for something new for cross-training throughout the week.

In my searching I came across a site called the 12 minute athlete.  I haven’t fully looked into it yet, nor have I done any of the workouts so I can’t say it works, but I saw her post something about a “100 Burpee Challenge”.

So today, I decided to try it.  I’m always up for a challenge.  And she said “Doing 100 burpees in a row is an awesome way to gauge your fitness level”

Here were the guidelines for time:

12+ minutes:  You’re an athlete in training!  Way to work hard, and don’t stop pushing.
10-12 minutes:  You’re an athlete!  Awesome job getting past those mental blocks.
8-10 minutes:  You’re a super athlete!  You’re strong and in great conditioning shape
6-8 minutes:  You’re a total badass!  You have some serious burpee skills.
4-6 minutes:  You’re the ultimate badass!  Be very, very proud.

I’ve never done a burpee before.  I’ve done a few things that are kind of similar in Insanity, but never done an actual burpee.  Like, ever. 

And I ran 8 miles last Saturday.  So I’d like to think I’m in pretty good shape.

I did the 100 burpee challenge.  After I did 20 I was seriously questioning whether I was going to be able to finish.

I finished.

And it took me SIXTEEN minutes.  16.  16 1/2 actually.  But I didn’t cheat on a single burpee.  I went all the way down and I jumped after every.single.one.  I did consider lying about my time just now.  But I resisted.

It was humbling.  And made me realize I have some work to do on my overall body strength.  I’m going to work on my burpee skills and try again in a month.  I’m blaming it on my arms.

Anyone want to try this with me??  It kicked my butt, but I’m up for the challenge of improvement.

{I wore a Heart Rate monitor while I did it and will post about the benefits of having a HRM and how many calories I burned during this exercise in a future post coming soon.}

And because no post feels complete without a picture.  Photo Credit:  Carter, 4 years old.  Added blur for artistic expression.  

“Real Life Stories–Women of Inspiration”. Jenny from The Happy Family Movement

I first met Jenny at the Breathe Intensive in Las Vegas several years ago. We were only with each other in person for 4 hours, but have kept in touch ever since.

Jenny and her husband, Josh, started The Happy Family Movement, a site dedicated to helping families create a more meaningful life together. And they are also about to launch a Kickstarter campaign for their newest idea to help families, the Phone Monster. AND, they started the Summer Bucket List challenge to help families have a more adventurous, intentional summer with their families. They’re busy people.

Jenny grew up in less than ideal circumstances. But instead of letting a victim mentality consume her, she changed her story and is making a positive impact on the people around her. She LOVES her kids and is constantly trying to create a great life story for her family.
Real Life Stories
1. Give me a quick peek at your life story.
Oh, wow… a quick peek? Um… I grew up in a bad situation. My dad died when I was a kid and I never got to know him. My mom was into drugs and we had a bad relationship. I worked hard through high school and got a full ride scholarship to go to college. I got married, got my Master’s Degree in Accounting, became a wedding photographer with my hubby, had three kids, started a family blog called The Happy Family Movement, and now I’m starting a new business called Phone Monsters. I’ve just leased a van for my business, so if you need vans for your business, check out Intelligent Van Leasing! Whew! Life is BUSY but wonderful

2. Tell me about an “every day moment” you are grateful for
Every night at bedtime, we crawl into bed with each of our kiddos for our nightly ‘snuggle chat’. We snuggle and talk about their day, their hopes, their fears, their dreams. It’s really the only part of our day that’s not usually chaotic and I love connecting with them.
3. Tell me about one ambition you have right now
I just launched my new business Phone Monsters and I’m really focused on getting that off the ground! I want to build a company that creates products that help families connect more.
4. If you could speak on anything to a large group of women, what would you talk about?
I’m lucky enough that I get asked to speak to mother’s groups fairly regularly and the one thing I always talk about is living intentionally and creating memorable experiences for your family. I believe that it’s SO important for every family to sit down and figure out exactly what your family values are. Once you know what your values are, work on setting up habits that help you live intentionally within those values. It benefits your family and it helps teach your kids more about living intentionally!
5. What does the phrase “create a good life story” mean to you?
I love this phrase!! To me, it’s all about creating space to let good things happen. It’s about saying yes to adventure. It’s about going out and doing things instead of just talking about doing things. It’s embracing your fears and going for it anyway. It’s about turning off the TV or computer or the cell phone and going outside to play catch, or tag, or ride bikes. It’s about giving back and doing good in the world and teaching your kids to give back and do good. It’s about love….it’s always about love!
6. Tell me something someone taught you that made an impact on your life
We’ve learned so much about life and embracing who you are from SO many people we’ve met in the photography industry and other creative entrepreneurs.
7. Name one event in your life that has made a significant impact on the course of your life story
I quit my job to go back to school and get my Master’s Degree. We started our photography business at the same time. It was the riskiest, craziest thing we had ever done and I’m still shocked today that we made such a crazy decision considering that up until that point, we played everything safe.
8. What is something you want to accomplish you haven’t yet?
I’d love to give a TED talk!
9. What photographs are you most grateful for from your childhood or teen years?
I’ve got two photos of my dad that my grandpa gave me before he passed away. They’re the only connection I have to a dad I never knew and don’t remember.
10. What are you most proud of?
That I broke the cycle of neglect and abuse. I’m not a perfect mother, but I’m a really good one and my kids know without a doubt that I love them.
11. What is the best parenting advice/tip someone gave you?
I read a magazine article written by husband/wife nutritionists one time…Most of the article was how you should only give your kid a cupcake or treat on their birthday, etc. But there was one nugget of info in there that was amazing! They said you should give your kids HUGE servings of veggies at every meal, but never force them to eat all the veggies. So I give my kids as much as a whole cup of veggies at every meal. Sometimes they eat half the bowl, but sometimes they eat ALL the veggies. I guarantee they eat WAY more veggies than they would if I gave them a smaller serving. I know it’s small thing, but it really works!
12. Tell me something you are sure of
I am sure that every person on the planet has a special talent that the world needs. We don’t always know what it is immediately, but when we find it, it’s our responsibility to share it with the world and make an impact.
13. What is your favorite quote or life motto?
Say yes to adventure!
14. What is your favorite part about yourself (not a physical trait)?
I’m very driven and focused. I have a lot of confidence in my ability to get things done. And if I believe in something, I won’t let it fail because I won’t give up until it succeeds.
15. What type of photographs do you wish you had more of?
Photos of my brothers and I as kids
16. What is something you do to help drive away fear or anxiety?
I write myself encouraging notes on the good days so I can read them on the rough ones. Even when everyone else believes in you and is encouraging you, sometimes you just need to remember that YOU believe in yourself too.
17. What is your favorite part about being a mom? Your least favorite part (just keepin it real on this question–I know you love your kids)?
My favorite part of being a mom is seeing my kids be amazing…sometimes that’s sharing a cookie with someone, writing a nice note, standing up to a bully at school, picking up trash on the beach. And sometimes it’s Lia’s silly dance moves, finding Ava hiding behind the chair with a book, and Max’s serious obsession with whatever he’s obsessed with at the moment…which right now is sharks.
My least favorite part has got to be bedtime. Seriously! Kids have no sense of urgency! On the nights we don’t have activities bedtime is much smoother. But anytime we get home late and need to do super-fast-bedtime as we like to call it, I always feel frustrated at their stall tactics and when they get out of bed thirteen times. Tell me I’m not alone in this!
18. Tell me something about yourself that may surprise people
I’m an incredibly Type A, organized, plan everything kind of person, but I’ve learned to be spontaneous and be okay with that.
19. What’s one thing you wish you would have known when you were younger?
That’s it’s going to be okay. That perfect attendance doesn’t count for anything really. That nobody will ever ask you or ever care what your GPA was after you graduate. That you can find a way to make a living doing just about anything you love…seriously.
And for fun:
Favorite book: HARRY POTTER!
Favorite family tradition: oh my gosh…we have so many. Probably riding bikes to the park on the 4th of July. We watch the city fireworks display then bike home. Our city allows people to shoot off fireworks, so the whole bike ride home feels like a fireworks serenade!
Something you enjoy doing with your spouse: Exploring and adventuring. we love to do active things!
Talent you wish you had: I SO wish that I could sing
Favorite meal: hmmm..Depends on the day, but I love good pizza, pretty much all Mexican food, and anything on the grill.
If you never had to do one specific thing again, what would it be: EMAIL
Favorite show on TV: I would say HIMYM, but it ended this week and they totally blew the ending. So probably Brooklyn Nine-Nine or Parenthood.
Something that scares you: Something happening to my hubby or kids
Favorite thing about your husband: he loves to act ridiculous just to make me laugh
Something you can’t live without: Pepsi…I know it’s terrible for me, but I love it so much!
What’s something you think about often: money. I wish I had a better answer, but it’s true. One of the down sides to being an entrepreneur is having to constantly figure out where the next payment is coming from 🙂

THANK YOU for doing this interview Jenny! And thank you for doing everything you can to do GOOD things in this world.

If you want to read other “Real Life Stories–Women of Inspiration” interviews, click here.

“Real Life Stories–Women of Inspiration” Rachel.

I’ve known Rachel forever. We went to Elementary school, Middle School, and High school together and grew up in the same neighborhood. Though we didn’t have the same immediate circle of friends, I always really liked Rachel. One of those girls who was always kind and everyone seemed to like and gravitate towards.
She is currently a ridiculously talented photographer living in California (seriously go check out her work–photographers don’t come better than her), but has recently decided to sell all her things and move her family to Hawaii because she “couldn’t think of a reason not to”. That alone makes me love her even more. So much courage. And a desire to live an adventurous and authentic life. If you’ve just started a family, take a look at the benefits of a Nissan Pathfinder, and how it could help you to be more adventurous.
She is also an incredible writer. You can find her blog here.
I think you’ll all love this interview as much as I did.
Real Life Stories
1. Give me a quick peek at your story.
Born in Fairbanks Alaska. The northern lights were dancing in the sky and my mom was in labor with me for about 30 minutes. Wilderness baby, playing in mud, picking berries until we moved to Provo Utah when I was almost 5. Kissing tag in first grade, led to a couple of fake marriage ceremonies and plenty of make believe play until we moved to to Sandy Utah when I was 10yrs old. Kid to teenager, learned what self-conscious meant, made lifelong friends, danced, acted, cried over boys. Turned 17. Fell in love (for real). Found photography. Graduated from the University of Utah, studied English and Photojournalism. Got married. Bought a house. Got a divorce. Sold the house. Moved to New York City without a home, job or any friends. Sat on the steps of the Met in the pouring rain. Second chance. Found me. Traveled to Asia by myself for 2 months to take photos. Met a boy, met another boy. Kissed him and “fireworks”. Moved to California. Took a leap. Got married. Lived in a little blue house. Rain on the windows, after 48hrs of active labor I became a mom. Did it again 2yrs later except this time it was a Saturday afternoon and the light was pouring in. Work full time, mostly on trying to be my best self. Stay tuned.
2. Tell me about an “everyday moment” you are grateful for
So many. Most of them have to do with one on one time. I am really loving Nova hopping into bed with me every morning and talking to me in a really normal middle of the day voice, because she apparently doesn’t know how to whisper. She holds me and kisses me and looks at me nose to nose. I am also really loving after bath time with Fairbanks. He gets out and only wants me. I wrap him burrito style in a towel and we sway cheek to cheek while we sing and look at ourselves in the mirror. I love slow walks in the late afternoon with family around our neighborhood. That perfect gold light creating halos around each of them. It’s during these moments I wish I had a camera in my eyeballs.

3. What is one ambition you have right now
Most of my ambitions surround what I want for my kids right now. I am still neck deep in that baby making stage and so much of what I think about has to do with not only survival but creating really strong roots for them so they can feel secure and confident. I also find, as a creative person, my goals are always growing and changing. I have come to the realization that satisfaction for me probably won’t happen, but It’s in that unrest that I find so much drive to add and develop things I am passionate about as I go. Right now one of my ambitions is to be able to drop my daughter off at a school knowing she will thrive and the teachers are good people. Another ambition is to shoot with a lot more honesty. Not shoot for others or popularity or praise…but shoot what matters to me and my heart. Those are the images I will never regret taking. Did I answer the question? 🙂
4. If you could speak on anything to a large group of women, what would you talk about?
Maintaining and developing intimate relationships that matter. Conquering fear. Intentional parenting. Communicating through photographs. Creating self esteem through photography. Creating positive birth stories for your babies.


5. What does the phrase “create a good life story” mean to you?
I have been thinking about this subject so much lately. To me it means living an intentional life in a way that I am proud to talk about. Successes and failures. I want my kids to be proud to talk about the life they lived and we tried to provide for them. I want the focus to be on being close as a family and finding happiness wherever we can. I want our story to be full of triumphs…to do this we have to take chances and calculated risks.

6. Tell me something someone taught you that made an impact on your life
Growing up I never heard my Mom gossip. I am serious. She never talked bad about anyone. She was honest and upfront but she didn’t do it at the expense of other people. I was always so proud of this fact and it made a huge impression on me as a young girl. It really helped me try and see people in the best light possible and to build others up and not tear them down. It is easy to get trapped into jealousy and envy BUT if we are concentrating on being happy for others and appreciating them for their best qualities it is a lot easier to love them. I’m not as good at this as my Mom but I hope to pass this quality on to my children as well. I want to be somebody that when others are around they leave feeling better about themselves. I want my kids to develop this skill as well.

7. Name one event in your life that has made a significant impact on the course of your life story
Oh man. So many. I would say going through the annulment with my first husband was the catalyst for so many big events. It created an understanding in me that helped me relate to so many others in ways I hadn’t been able to before. I developed another layer of empathy that I hope has been able to help others in similar tough life situations. I then turned my life upside down by moving to New York City to essentially start over. I can’t even begin to imagine what I would have missed had I not made that leap. I made some of my most dear friends. My photography career grew and my calling to create was solidified. The love and attachment I found in that city healed me and I will forever feel a deep love and attachment to the people and places that connected with me during that time. Since then, because of the amazing effect it had in my life, I have tried to be brave when making big life changes. I know that doing brave things usually leads to gold.


8. What is something you want to accomplish you haven’t yet?
I really want to have a gallery showing of a body of my work. A body of work that really means something to me and what it is sharing. That would be amazing. I also want to reach an ideal fitness level. Would be so empowering to push my physical and mental body to that place.

9. What photographs are you most grateful for from your childhood or teen years?
I love the ones that show me in my living environment. Ones that show what my homes looked like. All of us around the dinner table. My bedrooms. I love one of my mom holding me as a newborn. My dad shot it through the window and you can see Alaska. I really love the everyday images of us just being a family and me just being me. I could really care less about any of the posed, studio weird family groupings. Lifestyle images of us actually living are far more meaningful to me. I also want to say that my parents didn’t take anywhere close to the amount of images I shoot (obviously) but I don’t care. I love the ones they did shoot. I think keeping any of those memories is great. I don’t need a million. I am just glad I have some. Lesson learned: Shooting something is better than shooting nothing.

10. What are you most proud of?
Without a doubt giving birth to both of my kids…and as a runner up surviving the grief that happens after a divorce/annulment. One birth pushed my body and mind to it’s limits and the other my emotions. Going through both proved a strength in me beyond my ability to understand.

11. What is the best parenting advice/tip someone gave you?
Trust your instincts. Put down the books and see what feels right to YOU. If it feels off, it probably is. If it feels right…go with it. Of course this is not an exact science but it helped take some of the pressure off. Becoming a parent is so overwhelming but what most people aren’t reminded of is their innate ability to care for others. We were made to do this! With a good village surrounding you for support, and trust in yourself you can be a successful parent. But trusting yourself also means knowing when to ask for help and seek answers.

Also, learning to “acknowledge” our children is probably the best piece of advice there is. I think listening, acknowledging, seeing our kids, is the most important thing they need. I think if most people did a better job of acknowledging pain and happiness and any and all emotion…without judgement…we would all be more connected and closer to each other. This is big in our house and something all of us try to practice with each other.

12. Tell me something you are sure of
1) My deep deep deep connection to my kids. I was meant to be their mother. 2) During one of my final photojournalism classes in college, our teacher gave an assignment to keep a photography journal. Everyday we were required to write about what we were thinking as it relates to photography. I was relatively new in my photography journey and in my mind I thought “there is no way I will have something to say everyday…I like photography but I don’t think about it everyday”. Turns out I was dead wrong. I did think about it every day and a lot. I couldn’t stop writing about light I was seeing and color and feelings and insecurities and ideas etc etc etc. When the end of the semester came I had chills as I wrote a final paper about my journey. It was during that class and that journal assignment that I truly felt my calling as a photographer. I didn’t know why or how or to what end…but I knew without a doubt that I was meant to create and communicate in this way. That knowledge has been one of my greatest gifts and has given me something to hold on to when I doubted myself or my journey.

13. What is your favorite quote or your life motto?
Happiness is a choice.
I was travelling in Vancouver during an especially hard time during my early 20’s. I had been struggling with the idea that others’ agency and choices could so greatly affect my own life..and I had no control over the decisions others made that impacted me so. It was the worst. I walked into a little jewelry store and while browsing I came across a little necklace that had a single silver rod hanging from the chain. Etched into the side of that rod in an itty font were the words “Happiness is a choice.” Light bulb moment. Not that I didn’t already know it, but it was the exact words I needed to hear at the exact time. I couldn’t control others. I never would. But I could, without a doubt choose happiness. And choose my own decisions in order to always guide me back to happiness. I felt a weight lift and hope was restored. Of course I bought the necklace.

14. What is your favorite part about yourself (not a physical trait)?
My genuine interest in other people. I think I am pretty good at asking questions and actually caring about the answers. Complete strangers often tell me a lot of personal information about themselves. I feel grateful they feel they can trust me so quickly. I think this definitely plays into why I love to photograph people. In order to have your photograph taken you have to be vulnerable to a certain degree. I think I am good at helping people feel comfortable in vulnerable moments.

15. What type of photographs do you wish you had more of?
Gah. More of everything. It doesn’t even make sense but I want a photograph of everything I’ve ever seen in my entire life. At times it can be so overwhelming…my desire to document and remember. It takes a lot of self control and thought mastery for me to let go…and remind myself that memories are kept in a lot of different ways. Having kids just made this problem worse! Everything they say and do is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I just hope it all sinks in and when I need to remember and re-live I will be able to.

16. What is something you do to help drive away fear or anxiety?
Talk. Plan for the future. Think ahead. Or simply just educate myself. Most people just fear what they don’t know. By knowing more, there is less to fear. I find that being outside really centers me. Going for a walk or just sitting on our front stoop can be so calming. A sure fire fix for tension in our family is watching the sunset at the beach. Nothing fancy, just some ocean air and pretty light. Always makes me feel so much more hopeful about life.

17. What is your favorite part about being a mom? Your least favorite part (just keepin it real on this question–I know you love your kids)?
My favorite part is by far the intimate connection I feel with them. It’s something I have wanted and looked for my entire life. Closeness with people I love. I have found it with other people..but not usually without a fair amount of effort and time but with my kids it was instantaneous. It was then that I realized, “ So this is what I was looking for”…I was searching for my kids. Just their existence has filled a void inside of me. Like the missing puzzle piece. My least favorite part, cleaning up! Making meal after meal after meal. I know I have nothing to complain about since I only have two but Grant and I both feel like all we ever do is wipe the floor under his highchair and scan the fridge and cupboards for meal ideas. Meal planning stresses me out and I love food! Its hard working full time and wanting to do full time mommy stuff. Hard to find all the time. I need to start meal planning one day a week and sticking to it. I can’t believe I am going to have to figure out what they will eat everyday until they are 18. AHHHHHHHHH!
18. Tell me something about yourself that may surprise people
More and more I am realizing I have a lot of very introverted tendencies. My most creative times are when I am alone or in very small groups. I would always prefer a small group or one on one interaction over a large party with a lot of small talk. I need a fair amount of alone time to center myself and think. But on the flip side I am really comfortable talking to strangers, being the center of attention…maybe I am a bit of both.

19. What’s one thing you wish you would have known when you were younger?
I wish I would have been able to more fully enjoy my sexuality and younger physique without the guilt associated with it. This probably sounds super scandalous…I just wish I didn’t spend so much time feeling guilty or bad about exploring, testing limits etc. I was, and am, a moral person. So much time wasted feeling guilt and not just appreciating the free thinking spirit that I am.

And for fun:

Favorite book: Lost Horizon by James Hilton

Favorite family tradition: Christmas candles on Christmas eve where we light the candle of the person next to us and tell them why we love them. It’s the best. Always tears.
Something you enjoy doing with your spouse: Eating fun and new food, traveling to a place we have never been. Watching our kids together and knowing we made something awesome.
Talent you wish you had: Wish I was a better singer and could play the guitar. I love singing and do it all day long. Would be nice to strum along to my melodies.

Favorite meal: Papaya with lime or anything made with yeast.
f you never had to do one specific thing again, what would it be: wake up before 7 in the morning

Favorite show on TV: So hard. For past shows it would have to be Star Trek The Next Generation, Battlestar Galactica, LOST and Top Chef.

Something that scares you: Of course losing anyone I love, but I was just mentioning to Grant the other day that spiders and sharks have kept me from doing numerous things I know I would love.

Favorite thing about your husband: How quickly he forgives and moves on. If we get in an argument and I were to say “can we forgive each other and move on?” 9 times out of 10 he would jump at the chance and give me a big hug. I find this so admirable. I like to hold on to things and think way too much about crap…but if I crack one smile his whole body relaxes and he immediately feels better. Love him for this.

Something you can’t live without: Cheese and sunsets at the beach with my family.
What’s something you think about often: What I can do to help my children grow to be happy, confident adults. There is nothing I want more.
Thanks again for doing this Rachel!! I know how busy you are and it means a lot to me that you believe in what I’m trying to do with this blog.
If you want to read other “Real Life Stories–Women of Inspiration” interviews, click HERE.

3 tips to improve your phone photography.

A few tips to improve your phone photography.

First, when you open up your camera to take a picture, a little box lights up.  That’s where the camera chooses to focus AND how it sets your exposure.

If you touch somewhere on the screen, that box moves and that is where the camera focus’s and sets its exposure.


In the picture below, I touched the screen on the phone where my daughter was standing.  In the middle of her body.  So the camera exposed for HER.

In the picture below, I touched the screen on the phone where the window is.  Up on the waves of the ocean. So the camera exposed for the WAVES outside in the bright sun (and underexposed everything inside)

Here I touched the screen on the phone where the sun was.  So it exposed for the bright sun and left my kids dark.

And here I touched the screen on my phone where my kids were standing.  So it exposed for the kids and over-exposed the setting sun (which is why it’s so bright and you can’t even see the sun setting).  But you can see the surfers which were so fun to watch.

Another tip.  The camera on the back of your phone (the one intended for taking photos) has MORE megapixels than the forward facing camera on your phone (the one intended for facetime).  So when you take “selfies” or pictures with your kids where the phone is facing you, they will be lower quality (so you can’t print them as big) than they would be if you took them with the camera on the back of the phone.  So whenever possible, use the camera on the back of the phone.

And the last tip.  You can use the volume control on headphones to act as a remote for your camera.  Plug the headphones in and press the + or – button on the headphones and it will take a picture.  No more gumby arms.

And.  A bonus tip.  If you get the Camera + app, it has a timer option so the mom can stay in the picture!

For some tips on improving your photography in general, check out this post.

Sorrow that the eye can’t see.

Here’s something I’m sure of.  Everyone has their “thing”.  Or multiple things.  Those things that make their life hard.  Everyone’s life is hard.  Life itself is hard.  

And one person’s “thing” isn’t any more significant than another person’s thing (or things).  We all suffer.  We all grieve.  We all hurt.  We all struggle.

We all long for connection and love and acceptance.

In a discussion about suffering with my friend, Natalie, she said:

“God doesn’t ask us all to walk the same paths or suffer in the same ways.  He only asks that we walk in unison, together, bearing another’s burdens that they may be light.”

In one of my favorite hymns we sing at my church it says:

“Who am I to judge another
When I walk imperfectly?
In the quiet heart is hidden
Sorrow that the eye can’t see”

We all suffer.  We all grieve.  We all hurt.  And more often than not, we can’t always see that suffering in others.  But it’s there.  I promise you that.  Sometime’s we think someone has it all together, or their life is easier than ours.  Or we don’t understand why people act the way they do, or say the things they say.  But I’m sure they have their “things”.  And they don’t have it all together.  And they don’t have an easy life.  We all have sorrow that no one sees.

So we walk together.  And lift each other up.  And bear each other’s burdens and lighten the load.  Because whether we see it or not, it’s there.  Sorrow, that the eye can’t see.

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