In an effort to continually expose our kids to new things, especially in nature, and keep them (and us) active, we hiked to the Fifth water hot springs in Diamond Fork Canyon in Utah.
It is a MUST do for a hiking adventure.
Annnd because I had to heft a human child on my back, the big girl camera was left at home and these are all iphone pics courtesy of myself and my husband Mike.
It was more of a walk than a hike. Our girls, who were 8 and 6, easily made it with minimal complaining. Our 3 year old probably could have done it as well, but we didn’t want to go that slow.
So we packed him and our 1 year old in on our backs. I think it was a little over 2 miles each way.
We brought swimsuits and a change of clothes, as well as lunch to eat by the springs.
On the internet it said a lot of things about naked people being there. Mercifully, we didn’t see any.
The hike up was beautiful. Kind of reminded me of hiking in Hawaii. Seriously. Super green. Trees branching over the paths. Little stream running by.
As you get closer you can start to smell the springs. And the water in the river starts to get warmer. Our kids thought that was pretty awesome.
When we got to the top, we ate lunch, then played around in the different pools.
Definitely worth a visit. We’ll be going back. When the kids get a little older, I want to do it in the winter.