What kind of camera or lenses should I buy?

What kind of camera should I buy? What kind of lenses should I buy?


I get asked these questions a lot so here’s what I suggest. Let me be upfront and say I am by no means an expert on cameras. There are a bajillion cameras out there these days and most of them are probably pretty good and will do what you need them to do. This is all MY opinion and what I would do if I were looking for an entry level digital camera (dSLR–camera that can change lenses).
I also need to add the disclaimer that I shoot with a Canon camera so I’m mostly familiar with the Canon brand. I’m not looking for a debate on which brand is better. Canon, Nikon. They’re both good. My dad bought me a film Canon camera in high school and when I switched to digital, I stuck with Canon so I could still use my lenses (since Canon lenses fit on any Canon dSLR camera). And I do not get paid by Canon to promote their products (although that would be nice).
When I first started out, I bought a Canon Rebel and started my business with that camera. They have changed that camera around a bit since I bought one. But here are some things I would look for.
1. Don’t get fooled by megapixels. People think that a camera with more megapixels is a better camera. Not necessarily true. All megapixels means is that you can make larger prints. So higher megapixels means you can make bigger prints. You don’t need a 20 megapixel camera unless you’re planning to print pictures the size of billboards. Seriously.
2. The lenses for a camera are almost more important than the camera itself. I talk a bit about this in my “tell my story” class, but the lenses that come with a camera aren’t that great. In the class, I talk about different lenses you can get after you get the camera and the lens that comes with it. So when looking at different lenses, you’ll see a number like 18-55mm or 18-200mm. That tells you how far the camera can zoom. So the larger the second number, the farther you can zoom, and the smaller the first number, the wider the angle (you can fit more in the frame).
3. If you see an “IS” that means Image Stabilization which helps keeps shots in focus if you don’t have a very steady hand. I definitely recommend those type of lenses.
4. I looked on Costco’s website and some of the camera’s come with 2 lenses. If it were me, I would just get a camera body and one lens that comes with it (looks like 18-55mm on most of them) and save my money to invest in a better second lens instead of another “kit” lens. Or you could even just buy a camera body and then buy better lenses than what come in the “kit” (“kit” meaning lenses that come in a kit with the camera body). Kit lenses aren’t great.
5. A GREAT lens to get for every day photos in your home and “story telling” is a 50mm 1.8 which you can buy for around $100. I would 100% invest my money in that before I got a camera with 2 lenses. The 50mm doesn’t zoom so you have to physically move closer and farther away from a subject, BUT, the 1.8 is the aperture number. That number determines your depth of field. That is the kind of lens that allows you to take pictures where someones eyes can be in focus and by the time you get to their ear, it’s out of focus. This is the kind of lens that makes pictures look much more professional. It also helps in low light situations. So it’s great for taking every day pictures inside your home. Most of our houses don’t have tons of natural light in all the rooms or areas of the home so this lens helps to be able to take pictures without your flash on (cause flash is almost always ugly).
Here’s a link to the 50mm on Amazon:

Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II Standard AutoFocus Lens – Gray Market


Or, if you have the money, buy a 50mm 1.4 which is anywhere from $300-$350. This is the lens I use about 90% of the time during photoshoots and 99% of the time in my home taking pictures of my kids. It looks similar to the other lens, but it’s much higher quality and “faster” meaning it does even better in low light situations.

Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM Standard & Medium Telephoto Lens for Canon SLR Cameras

Nikon 50mm f/1.8D AF Nikkor Lens for Nikon Digital SLR Cameras

Please note that for a Nikon camera, you need to MAKE SURE it has autofocus capabilities. This is something I read on one of the reviews you may want to take into consideration:

{If your camera has an AF motor (d90, d300, d600, d700, d800, d7000) you need an AF lens. If it has no internal AF motor (d40, d60, d3000, d5000) you need an AF-S type lens}

These lenses are called prime lenses. Meaning you can’t zoom in or out. So if you want to get closer or farther away from your subject, you have to physically walk closer or farther away. Takes a little getting used to, but it’s SO worth it.
Here are some examples of what the 50mm lens can do. Keeps the subject you want in focus, and the rest blurry.
These lenses are key to “telling a story” with your photographs.
The only down side to the 50mm is it doesn’t zoom so it’s not the best lens for action photography or sports. The kit lens that comes with your camera will be a zoom lens.
Another tip. When you buy any lenses, make sure to get a UV Protection filter to go with it. I have one on all my lenses so if I ever drop my camera (which of course I would never do, but juuuust in case), the UV filter breaks instead of the actual lens. Anytime you buy a lens, you should automatically buy one of these as well to protect your lens. They’re usually only around $5-$10 dollars.
Another thing to look for in a dSLR is HD video. I use the video capability on my camera all the time. The cool thing about video on a dSLR, is that you can switch the lenses around and “mix up” the look of your videos. You can also get shallow depth of field (only part of the frame is in focus and the rest is blurry) so it draws attention to the subject.
I would only buy cameras from a trusted source and I would never buy used. You never know what people do to those cameras. How many times they’ve been dropped, spilled on, slobbered on. You get the picture.
I would stick with Amazon, Costco, BandHphoto, or a trusted local camera store.
If I were to go out and buy an entry level camera (meaning you’re not looking to go Pro with that camera), I would buy the Canon T3i. It has HD video as well as the capacity to shoot in low light situations without using a flash (because flash just looks baaaaad). The ISO in a camera is one factor that can help you shoot in low light. The higher the ISO goes on the camera, the darker it could be.
The T3i can go up to 6400. For comparison, the camera I started with (Rebel) only went to 1600. And at 1600 it looked really bad.
If you don’t have that money in your budget, you could still get a Canon T3 and have a great camera. The differences seem to be megapixels, the swiveling screen, and better video quality.
You’ll also probably want a camera bag. Get a good one that will protect your camera AND hold all the gear you’ll have. They can be pricey but if you shop around, you can find a good deal.
Another thing you can consider is getting a camera coat. These things are awesome. Lots of times I just want to take my camera and one lens (almost always my 50mm) and I don’t want to haul around my big bag but I don’t want my camera to get “hurt”. Camera coats take care of that. Check them out at www.cameracoats.com (These make good gifts too).
photo credit: Camera Coats

If you’re looking for a more high-adventure camera, I LOVE our GoPro. We have the GoPro HERO3+: Silver Edition and it works great for what we use it for (photos on the boat, in the water, mountain biking, skiing, and selfies of the family). If you get a GoPro I also recommend getting a GoPole REACH – Telescoping Extension Pole for GoPro HERO Cameras 17-40″. There are a lot of versions of extension poles. Just depends on what you’ll use it for. I like the clear ones so you can’t see the pole as much when you take selfie type videos and photos. You can also get the Go Pro accessory kit to mount it to your chest or head. And I would definitely buy a GoPro Floaty Backdoor as the GoPro itself does not float. If you plan to use it in water (like a lake or the ocean), you’re going to want to make sure it floats if (more like when) you drop it.


After all that, MAKE SURE you learn how to use it the way it was meant to be used!! You can tell the story of your family through pictures if you have a great picture and you take photographs the right way!!
If your camera or imaging technology requirements are somewhat more niche, Edmund Optics are likely to have something for you. They have everything from USB cameras to microscopes!
If you have more specific questions, please feel free to e-mail me at ltross17@yahoo.com or comment below and I will do my best to answer them.
Good luck and Happy shopping!
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Great gifts for the photographer in your life

Need some ideas on gifts for the photographer in your life?

Here are a few that would probably make them love you even more than they already do.giftguidepin

1. If they just have a point and shoot or are using their smart phone for pictures, consider getting them a dSLR camera.  It will be the BEST investment your family ever makes.  I promise that.  Well, unless you buy a speed boat.  Then that would be the best investment.  But a camera would be second.  Read here on what kind of camera I recommend.


2. 50mm 1.8 lens or if you really want to go all out, a 50mm 1.4 lens.  Click HERE for an explanation on why these lenses are a MUST have for every photographer.  These are anywhere from $100 to $350.


3. A camera coat.  To keep that camera safe when you don’t want to lug around a huge camera bag because you’re already carrying a million other things (diaper bag, purse, kid, blankie, etc., etc.).  Put one of these babies on your camera and you can put it in your diaper bag, stroller, purse and not have to worry about it getting hurt.

photo credit: Camera Coats
4. More SD cards for their camera.  I fill my cards up all the time.  It’s nice to have extra ones on hand.  I recommend not buying anything bigger than 4.0 GB just in case the card fails.  Then you don’t lose AS many pictures.


5. Speaking of losing pictures.  If you aren’t already backing up your photos, you should be.  Buy an external hard drive and maybe consider backing up online as well.  Funny how when you ask people if there were a fire in their house, what they would grab.  99% of people would say their photographs.  I have no idea what the other 1% would say.  (And I completely made up that statistic.  But I think most statistics are probably made up so it’s ok.)
Which to me indicates photographs are one of the very most important things in our home.  And yet, some of us aren’t backing them up.

6. Buy or make them a custom photo strap.  Just google camera strap and tons of options come up.  There are also some options to get a camera coat with a matching strap.  Or you can find them on Etsy.
7. Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson.  This is the book I read to teach myself how to shoot in manual.  It’s great for understanding all those terms that seem so confusing.
8. A portable tripod.  These just screw into the bottom of your camera so you can take pictures anywhere. AND, so the mom can stay in the picture!!!
For the iphone camera users, you can get an iStabilizer.
9. Project Life for displaying all the photos they take.  This is my newest obsession and an amazing solution to getting all of those photos off of our computers and sharing them with others.  You can use 40% off coupons on Michaels or Hobby Lobby to get all the supplies.  Seriously, these are AWESOME!!!  I’ll be posting more about Project Life and my mission to help people get their photos off their dang computers and out where people can see them!!
You can also get the Project Life APP.  Just buy an iTunes card and they can download the app and buy extra kits and do all their photo documenting straight from their phone!
10.  A gift card to Persnickety Prints to print all the photos they’re taking!
logo2 copy
11.  Jewelry or clothing related to photography.  If you go to ETSY and search for “photography necklace” or “photography t-shirt” you’ll find all sorts of choices.

12.  Photo Editing Software.  I recommend Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 or Adobe Photoshop Elements 13


And for some fun, quirky photo ideas, check out Photo Jojo.

The final member of our family

Hey Mike,

Remember how before we even got married we both dreamed of having a boat for our family one day? And how we saved and saved and worked our butts off to buy one?  How we drove down the freeway and our hearts ached while we watched other people towing their boats?

All the “one day we’ll….” trips we have planned.  The years and years we spent bumming rides on other people’s boats and looked at each other with that look–the “we have to have our own boat” look.

How time and time again one thing or another, or one newborn or another, seemed to eat away at the “boat fund”.  (Those babies definitely ate away at the boat fund…)

And how when we finally, finally were ready to buy one and for one reason or another, each boat we thought was ours slipped through our fingertips.

We have big dreams for our family.  We worked hard.  We sacrificed.  We made a goal.  And then we talked about it as if there was no question it was going to happen.  “When we have a boat” not “If we get a boat”.

And now.  Now the longings are over.  And the lake is calling.  And we get to spend hours and hours and hours trapped in a small space with our four kids.  And bonding will happen unlike it happens anywhere else.

Because there’s something magical about the lake.  And being together in such a confined space.  With the single motive of bonding a family together with love and fun!

I’m proud of us.  I’m proud of you.

And I can’t wait to make this newest member of our family (it’s the “kid” we’ve always known needed to be a part of our family) part of our family story.

We did it!


{Note to readers:  No we are not trying to keep up with the Jones’s.  A boat isn’t about what people think of us.  It’s a means to an end for our family.  Annnnd it happens to bring more joy to my husband’s face than anything else on God’s earth.  And being on the lake with him is about as close to heaven as I’ll ever get while in a mortal body.  And it brings joy to our family.  So we will boat.  And use it to bond our family together.  And use it for the good and blessing of others as well.  

And will most assuredly have plenty of days where the boat breaks down in the middle of a sweltering summer day with four crying kids, no drinking water, and a sudden infestation of mosquitoes.  Then maybe it won’t be so magical.  But still worth it.

My dad used to say “When you can take a $100 dollar bill and flush it down the toilet every day for a month, then you’re ready to buy a boat.”
It’s one of the few things my dad has said I have chosen to ignore.  🙂
Bring on the lake!!!!}


I am a “lifestyle” photographer. More casual. No stiff posing. I get some shots with everyone looking (hopefully) but also some more candid shots as well.

My goal in family photography is not to get ONE perfect picture. But instead my goal is a collection of photos that help tell the story of your family relationships and dynamics. That show the personality of each individual member and the personality of the family as a whole.

We have fun at family shoots. I try to make it quick and painless.

Below are some samples of what kind of images you’ll get at a family shoot.  I do all my family sessions outdoors at various locations (which we’ll decide on together).

Sessions are generally about an hour depending on ages, size of family, and cooperation of kids (or dads 🙂  ).  

Session fee is $425.  That includes the time for the session, editing of the best images, and a high-resolution disc with about 50 images in color and black and white.

Family sessions include several shots of all the family together, some of just the kids, some of just the parents, individual pictures of each kid, and whatever other groupings we decide on at the shoot.  

(click on arrows to scroll through pictures)


I also offer a few extended family shoots.  If you are interested in an extended family shoot, please e-mail me for pricing and info.


If these kind of family photos makes you sweat, check out my FUNBOOTH sessions.  It’s a GREAT alternative to “traditional” family photos.



Below is a sample of the pictures I take during a newborn session.  I do lifestyle newborn photography. I don’t use props (baskets, trees, wagons, etc.)  Sessions are usually in your home, but I can also do them in my home if you prefer.

Sessions generally take about 2-2 1/2 hours.

I like to do them within 2 weeks of the baby being born.  They’re generally sleepier and more cooperative.

Session fee is $400.  That includes the time for the session, editing of the best images, and a high-resolution disc with about 50 images in color and black and white.  

You will get the disc of photos approximately 2 weeks after your session.

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