I get a little burned out on my various workouts every now and then and am always on the lookout for new things to help me stay in shape.
Author: ltross17
“Real Life Stories–Women of Inspiration”. Jenny from The Happy Family Movement
Jenny grew up in less than ideal circumstances. But instead of letting a victim mentality consume her, she changed her story and is making a positive impact on the people around her. She LOVES her kids and is constantly trying to create a great life story for her family.

THANK YOU for doing this interview Jenny! And thank you for doing everything you can to do GOOD things in this world.
If you want to read other “Real Life Stories–Women of Inspiration” interviews, click here.
We’re mom’s. We save lives.
Sometimes when people ask me what I do, I like to say “I save lives”. Because truthfully, I do. All day long. I’m a mom. And I think toddlers spend 80% of their day doing things that could kill them. And we save them.
And then those toddlers grow up and they continue to do things that could kill them, either physically or emotionally. And we save them.
This video is worth your time.
The girls say their mom did someting unimaginable. But she actually didn’t. Because I know EVERY SINGLE MOM out there would do just what that mom did and jump in front of the car. Because her babies were inside. And we love them more than we love our own life. Notice I didn’t say we love them more than we love ourselves. I hope we love ourselves just as much as we love our kids. But we’d definitely be willing to sacrifice our lives for theirs.
So please, please, please, Mom’s, don’t spend your days feeling guilty or sad. Celebrate. Celebrate the love you have for those kids. And the lessons they have taught you that you probably couldn’t learn any other way.
These girls said their mom continues to save their lives every.single.day.
We save lives. And you love your kids. And those kids need YOU. And THAT makes you a remarkable woman and mother.
Why it’s so hard to take “good” pictures of your own kids
There’s a reason, well several reasons, why professional photographers tell you not to attempt taking certain types of photos of your own kids.
The every day stuff is one thing. But when you try to gather them in one place and have them look semi-normal and do what you ask them to do, that’s entirely different.
My kids will never behave for me like they would for someone else. And my guess is, yours won’t either.
These photos should speak for themselves.
My kids:
Next time I’m hiring a professional. 🙂
More details on the reason behind these Funbooth photos in a future post.
He couldn’t wait to get here.
Newborn shoots are easily one of my favorites. And now that I’m (hopefully) done having newborns, I get to enjoy them for a few hours and then give them back to their moms.
This little guy belongs to one of our family’s close friends, and people we really like to spend time with! He put his mom on bedrest for over a week and then decided to make an early appearance. He came EIGHT WEEKS early, landing himself a date with the NICU nurses for several weeks.
Modern medicine saved his life. So thankful I live in a time when we have SO many resources to save lives.
Welcome to the world little man. You obviously couldn’t wait to get here. And we’re glad to have you.