TED. Ideas worth spreading. And listening to.

I listen to TED talks when I’m doing laundry, washing dishes, walking on the treadmill, driving in the car.  It’s a great way to get through other things I’d rather not be doing.  A nice distraction from some of the mundane things I have to do.

Here are a few TED talks I think are worth listening to.


I love Brene Brown.  Her books are amazing.  Her speeches are equally amazing.

This one is surprisingly funny.  And definitely made me think about the direction our schools are going.

I REALLY loved this one by Amy Cuddy.  Powerful message about how our body language can shape how we think about ourselves and how successful we may become in our aspirations.  Although it has now made me super conscious about how I stand, sit, and interact with my body.  🙂

Tony Robbins is always great to listen to.

I laughed out loud several times during Shawn Achor’s speech.  Really funny, but also spot on about how happiness works.

This one is a little different and dramatic, but if you stick with it until the end, she ties it all together nicely with some talk about compassion.  Something our society desperately needs right now.

There you go.  Some “easy” listening during your chores or workouts.


For another amazing TED talk, check out this one my FRIEND did about how to have more energy each day.  I’ve been following her advice and it truly makes a difference.

And if you need a pick-me-up for the day, check out these videos that are sure to inspire you.

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