I’ve decided this is my year to DO more and think less. To TRUST more and fear less. To BE more. To LOVE more. To ENJOY more. To have more adventure. To make my days more meaningful. To LIVE more. To ACT.
I’ve wanted to go rock climbing for a long time now. I’ve never been. I’m not afraid of heights. I’m much more afraid of not being good at something.
If I’m being honest, I don’t always love trying new things because I don’t like looking stupid. I don’t like NOT being good at something. I don’t like being uncomfortable.
But I love adventure. And in the long run, I actually do like new things. It’s just getting through that initial hurdle of…..doing it.
I went rock climbing this week. Thanks to a persistent friend who has been by my side since we were 9 years old. She asked several times. I kept turning her down for what seemed like good reasons. But they really were just excuses. So when she asked again this week, I said “yes”. And I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was nervous. Because like I said, I don’t like being uncomfortable and doing things I’m not initially good at.
But we went. And I climbed. And it was harder than I thought. But it was more fun than I thought too. And it was a crazy trust exercise that I failed miserably my first time to the top (because I held onto those hand-holds for dear life on my way down instead of repelling like I was supposed to–but I was with HER. The friend who knows me. So she just laughed instead of taking offense).
By the end of the night my forearms burned like they’ve never burned before. And my hands were raw. But my spirit was full. Because I did something I’ve wanted to do but just never had.
It got me thinking about all those things we want to do but don’t. Why? What stops us? The reality is we’ll never have enough time or resources or money or courage or perfect circumstances to do the things we want to do. We just have to MAKE it happen. And do it. Because life is now.
I have a suggestion (a challenge if you will. And you will). Write down (Yes, WRITE IT DOWN) a few things you’ve wanted to do but haven’t yet. Then pick one. And schedule it. And figure out a way to DO IT without making excuses. If you really want to do it, then do it. Make it that simple. And then when you finish that one, go on to the next one. And schedule it. And DO IT.
I also suggest telling someone about the things you want to do. Sometimes having someone else know about our dreams and ideas and things we want to do helps make those things happen.
It doesn’t have to be big things. Just things. Things you think will fill your soul and bring you more joy.
Just for kicks, a few of mine are:
1. Complete a triathlon. I wrote more about this in my goal setting post
2. Do the flowrider. You know those simulated surf things they often have on cruises–we have some here in Utah and I really want to try it. I’ve spent my fair share of time watching other people try it. And eat it. And I laugh. I want to try (but when no one else can watch me). But maybe if you’re lucky I’ll post a video of me trying.
3. Participate in a cyclocross race. This one is laughable because I’ve never even watched one. But I have some friends/relatives who do it and it just sounds fun. I’d like to try.
4. Waterski at the same time as Mike (my husband)–behind the boat at the same time. This one is weird, but I just want to try. I have to get good enough though to get up and stay up as long as he can. He’s way better than me. I also want to wakeboard at the same time as my daughters. Just for fun.
5. Go on a family RV trip to Yosemite (or wherever really). I grew up with a motorhome and it broke down every.single.trip we ever took. And my mom hated that thing. And my dad loved it. Some of my fondest childhood memories. I want that for my kids.
Many of these things make me nervous. They cause a little (or a lot of) anxiety. But they also cause excited anticipation. I just have to get over the initial nervousness and fear and just DO IT.
I can’t tell you how many times I think of this quote:
(Quote by Lara Casey–Her book is amazing!)
Because “you know all those things you’ve always wanted to do? You should go DO THEM.” It really can be as simple as that.