“Real Life Stories–Women of Inspiration” Natalie.

Natalie is sisters with one of my best friends growing up.  She LOVES to have fun, laugh, and is incredibly fit.  I went to a spinning class (my first one) she was teaching a few weeks ago and she had me begging for mercy.  Those spin classes are no joke.

One thing I love about Natalie is her need for laughter and fun.  She’s certainly had her struggles in parenting (like all of us) but she makes a conscious effort to continue laughing and enjoying life.

Natalie is also a really talented graphic designer.  My go to girl for a lot of my digital design needs.  you can check out her stuff on Etsy:  https://www.etsy.com/shop/nattysuedesigns1

Real Life Stories

1.  Give me a quick peek at your story.
I was born in Idaho Falls (yup, I’m a Spud) but spent most of growing up years in Sandy, Utah.  I have 4 sisters and 2 brothers, and how I love every single one of them…not to mention that I am my parents favorite!  I was your typical teenager, loved friends, boys and school (well the social part, I could have skipped the classrooms and homework)!  Spent ALL of my two college years at Snow and had a blast. Backpacked Europe in 1998.  Was re-aquainted with a pretty cute guy in December of 1998.  Fell in love and we were married in September of 99!  Almost 15 years later, I am the mother to 3, absolutely amazing kids.  That’s it, life in a nutshell.

2.  Tell me about an “every day moment” you are grateful for
It would have to be 5:00 to 7:00 am when I have the time to focus on me, at the gym, doing something that I love.  I finish, I come home, I’m ready to conquer the day!  That there helps me be a better mom and wife.  I am grateful that my hubby gives me that time and he knows that is something I need ot do in my life.

3.  What is one ambition you have in your life right now.
To get all my photos organized.  Man, it is gonna be tough!

4.  If you could speak on anything to a large group of women, what would you talk about?
FIND you.  LOVE you.  I think as women especially mothers, we are constantly comparing ourselves to others.  I think it is so important to figure out who you are, what you want out of life, what makes you happy.  Once you find that, love it and better yourself.

5.  What does the phrase “create a good life story” mean to you?
I always think to myself, “what kind of movie would my life make?”  Comedy, drama, love, horror, etc…I think life should involve ups, downs, good times, bad times, mistakes, laughter and love.  Don’t push the bad times and the mistakes away, embrace them and learn from them.  Let them define your story.  Enjoy the laughter, humor and love, those are the things that will help push you through the bad.

6.  Tell me something someone taught you that made an impact on your life
My parents definitely taught me to be independent.  They taught me to be a hard worker, things weren’t just given to me, I had to work for them.  That I am grateful for.

7.  Name one event in your life that has made a significant impact on the course of your life story
I would have to say giving birth to our second son.  When he was born we found out he had Down Syndrome.  I had so many emotions, shock, fear, sadness.  I also felt so much love, determination and felt pretty special.  The scariest part at first was not knowing how to raise a child with special needs.  I still don’t know how to raise a child with special needs and he is 9!  You learn each day.  We have raised this little guy as a family, his older brothers is his best friend and our biggest help.  Little sister loves to help him and play with him (when he allows it).

I always imagined doing every day life things as a family, with him we can’t do that and I think that has definitely changed the course of my life.  It has been hard on our family, we miss out on a lot of things, sporting events, vacations, activities with family and friends.  We don’t do the things that other families get to enjoy as a family together.  But when it all comes down to it, other families don’t get to be constantly surrounded by his giggles, hugs, silly humor, and all the many things that make him the kid he is.  And that, I wouldn’t trade for anything.  We are pretty lucky to have him.

8.  What is something you want to accomplish you haven’t yet?
Swim with dolphins.  Yep, I’m a geek.

9.  What photographs are you most grateful for from your childhood or teen years?
Probably the ones that tell a significant event in my life.  I also love all of the goofy ones, it shows the fun times in life.

10.  What are you most proud of?
My family.  Love them.

11.  What is the best parenting advice/tip someone gave you?
Family first, the housework can wait.  This is hard for me and will always be hard for me, I like to have a clean house.  But don’t want my kids to remember the mom that was always cleaning, or a mom that was mad because the house was a mess.  I want them to remember the mom that wanted to spend time with them.  Don’t take me wrong, there is a time and place for housework and I believe our kids can be our number one tool in getting it done quicker.  Ha!

12.  Tell me something you are sure of
Candy is delicious and I can NOT deprive myself from it.

13.  What is your favorite quote or your life motto?
Don’t judge.  Don’t come to your own conclusions about someone.  Love and be kind to everyone, no matter what.  On a lighter note….”I want to spend the rest of my life laughing!”  Life without laughter is boring.

14.  What is your favorite part about yourself (not a physical trait)?
I like to have fun.  I like to smile.  Life can REALLY suck at times, but suck it up with a smile.  🙂

15.  What type of photographs do you wish you had more of?
My grandparents and I.  I don’t have a lot, and I want to always remember the memories with them, they are all amazing people.

16.  What is something you do to help drive away fear or anxiety?
Turn the music on and dance.  I love music.  I love to dance.  It may be only for a brief 10 minutes, but that anxiety or fear gets pushed aside for a short time.  If it was possible, I would just go to Disneyland, fear and anxiety do not exist there.

17.  What is your favorite part about being a mom?  You least favorite part (just keeping it real on this question–I know you love your kids)?
I love that I am their go-to-girl and hope that I will always be.  If they need something, they come to me.

Homework and bedtime are hands down my least favorite part.  My kids area like me, they want to play, have fun, homework is not fun.  I wish bedtime wasn’t my least favorite.  I hear mothers that love bedtime, it is their time to lay with their kids, talk and snuggle.  My kids hate going to bed, and I hate fighting them to go to bed.  By the end of the day, I’m kinda done and just want bedtime to be quick and easy.  Enough said.

18.  Tell me something about yourself that may surprise people
Hmmmm.  I don’t know.  I was really shy as a child, like really shy.  Grew out of that!

19.  What’s one things you wish you would have known when you were younger?
The years after high school are short, accomplish things, make fun memories.  You become an adult way too quick and have the rest of your life to be an adult.

And for fun:

Favorite book:  I don’t like to read so the closest thing would be US weekly

Favorite family tradition:  I don’t really have a favorite, I love them all.  But I do love Memorial Day when the whole family visits my sisters grave and then spends the rest of the day playing yard games in my grandparents huge backyard.

Something you enjoy doing with your spouse:  Dinner and a movie

Talent you wish you had:  I really wish I could sing.  I love to sing and that doesn’t stop me from singing, but I wish I could carry a tune.

Favorite meal:  Love Mexican food!

If you never had to do one specific thing again, what would it be:  LAUNDRY!

Favorite show on TV:  Just a few that my DVR records weekly would be…Parenthood, Grey’s, Nashville and Scandal.  Yup, a bunch of scum!

Favorite thing about your husband:  His positivity and the amazing father he is.

Something you can’t life without:  Tootsie rolls and cinnamon bears

What’s something you think about often:  If I am teaching my children enough

(Look at those arms!  Yowzers)

THANK YOU so much for doing this Natalie!!  Looking forward to the next spinning class.  🙂

To read more “Real Life Stories–Women of Inspiration” interviews, click HERE

Double surf

We’re super busy having as much fun as possible this summer.  Makes it hard to find time to write.

Mike and I surf on opposite sides behind the boat so we thought we’d see if we could do it at the same time.  We put Mike’s rope a few feet behind mine so we wouldn’t pull up at the same spot.  One time when we were pulling up, the rope slipped out of Mike’s hand and nearly decapitated me as it slung forward.  And I was worried we’d run into each other, or over each other.  For the record, no one was hurt.  This time.

In this one, it appears Mike has more faith than I do.  Walking on water.  Or levitating.  Either way.

There ARE good strangers in this world. I have proof.

Here’s a story worth telling.  And remembering.

We spent the weekend at Starvation reservoir camping and boating.  Despite the hurricane force winds for 48 hours and buckets full of dirt Caleb managed to scatter around the tent, we had a great time.

We of course stayed out on the lake longer than we should have and were in a rush to get back home for Father’s day dinner at my parents house.  

But we were “way low on fuel, Mav” (more like coasting on fumes) so we had to stop for gas about 20 minutes from home.  Mike filled up the tank while I walked around to figure out how we were going to get the boat back out of an awkward gas station driveway.

We got back on the road and headed home.  After backing the boat into the driveway, I was pulling kids out of the car as cups, crumbs, clothes, and toys toppled out with them.  

And then a man and a woman in a silver SUV pulled up in front of our house.  I didn’t recognize them. The man got out of the car and said “Where’s your husband?” in a cheerful voice.

Mike came out from the back of the boat and the following conversation took place.

Man:  “Hey.  I saw you on the freeway.”
Mike:  Blank stare.  Thinking “oh great, I cut him off and he chased me down”.
Man:  “We saw you pull out onto 800 and something flew off the top of your boat.  We realized it was your wallet so we stopped.  Everything went flying out everywhere, but we think we got it all back in.”

Now Mike and I were both just staring.  Completely surprised by what he was saying.

Then we just kept saying “Thank you.  Thank you so much”  Over and over and over again.

I was honestly so surprised I didn’t even know what else to say.  We certainly should have given him some cash for his trouble and asked his name and baked him some cookies and taken him for a boat ride.  Something.  Anything.  But we just stared.  And said thank you.

When Mike filled up the car, he must have set his wallet on top of the boat and forgot it there.  A very uncharacteristic thing for Mike, completely normal for me. 

Here’s the thing.  If I’m being completely honest, and I had witnessed this happen to someone else, I would have thought “Oh man, what was that?  Looked like a wallet.  That super sucks”  and kept driving.  On a really good day I may have thought “I should probably stop and pick that up for them” but then I most likely would have come up with a dozen excuses why not to.  The road is way too busy.  I’ve got a sleeping kid in the back.  I’m in a hurry to an appt.  How would I even get it back to them?  And on and on and on.

But not this man and woman.  They saw Mike’s wallet.  They were on a large, incredibly busy road.  They must have stopped traffic.  They were obviously headed somewhere.  For all I know, they were headed in the opposite direction headed to a Father’s day dinner of their own.

But they stopped.  And they chased down all the cards and cash they could find.  And put it all back in the wallet.  And found our address from Mike’s drivers license (at least I assume that’s how they found us) and DROVE THE WALLET TO OUR HOUSE and gave it all back to us.

In situations like these, I think we often say God was watching out for us.  But even more accurately, these PEOPLE were watching out for us.  They stopped.  They gathered.  They drove.  And there was nothing in it for them.  No reason to do it other than they obviously know WE ALL BELONG TO EACH OTHER.  And God watches out for us by expecting all of us to watch out for each other.  To take care of each other.  To help each other.  To stand by one another.  And make life just a little bit more bearable.

My faith in humanity was restored a little last night.  After a particularly hard week and feeling as though kindness towards one another is crumbling beneath our feet, this couple proved otherwise.  
I’ll never forget what they did.  It changed my heart.  It restored some of my hope and faith in other people.

This wasn’t about a returned wallet.  It’s just a wallet.  And we could cancel the cards.  Sure it’s a hassle, but not that big of a deal.  

This couple obviously knows love doesn’t just say things or think things, LOVE DOES THINGS.
A seemingly small thing made a huge impact on my heart.  They did what we all should do.  What would this world be like if we all made a little more effort to watch out for one another?

And the best part, it all happened right in front of my kids, who were able to see first hand there are GOOD people in this world who do good things for one simple reason:  we should take care of each other.  It’s always the best use of time.

What am I so “busy” doing anyway?

I’ve made a new addition for my wall.

I’m putting this in a spot I walk by and look at often in my home.  To remind me to slooooooow down.

I’ve been focusing a lot on my WHY.  Why I do what I do.  What’s most important.  How I am using my time.  What is consuming most of my time.  Am I just busy or am I doing what matters most?  And does it all support my underlying why?

What can we eliminate as a family to have less “busy” and more intention?  What things will get us where we want to be?  And what things won’t?

In his book, More or Less, Jeff Shinabarger says there has been “a recent cultural shift:  we now determine the significance of a person by how busy they are.”

Something I think of often:  If Satan can’t make you sin, he’ll make you busy.  Either way, he keeps us from fulfilling a purposeful life.

If I were to strip the purpose of life down to the bare bones, I would say the only thing that counts is how we treat other people.  How we make other people feel.  What kind of real, authentic relationships we created.  How approachable we are.  How we LOVE other people.  How we love ourselves.  What we give back to other people (time, attention, love).

Bob Goff
Am I available?  Am I accessible?  Am I present?  Or am I too busy doing too many other things (even if those things are seemingly important)?

For some reason, when I (we) become increasingly busy, the first thing that suffers is my relationships. My time for other people, for service, for FUN, for leisure time just BEING with the people I love is often the first sacrifice.

 So I ask myself, if a friend calls and needs support, will I drop everything and go?  Will they even call me in the first place if they think I’m “too busy”?  If one of my kids needs some extra love and attention, can my “to do” list be put aside?  

Do I make sure I get quality time with my husband?  Do I make sure I take care of and nurture ME ?  Do I have enough time, and energy, to serve people around me?

What makes my soul come alive and how am I proactive in making time for those things?  The same for my kids and husband?  What makes us come alive as a family?

What do I spend my free time doing?  And why?  Do I even have free time?  If not, why?  Does my use of time reflect who I am and who I hope to become?

“We give lip service to the idea that people are supremely important.  But what does our use of time say is important?”
                                                                                                         Jeff Shinabarger

It’s okay to slow down.  It’s okay to not be busy all.the.time.  It’s okay to take things off the schedule that don’t support my WHY or the goals and ambitions of our family life.  It’s OKAY TO SAY NO.  Because when I say “no” to one thing, I say “yes” to something that supports my why.  Something that matters MORE.

So I’m trying to slow down.  BE STILL.  Listen.  Pay attention.  Notice details.  Be deliberate with my time.  Nurture relationships with family, friends, and strangers.  And solely focus on what really matters to me.  People.  And love.

Housework makes you ugly.

I saw this on Becky Higgins (the creator of Project Life) Instagram feed:

So I’m wondering if that means I need to take this down?

It’s on my wall right when people walk through the front door.  Just so they understand why my house is a bomb most of the time.  And it makes people smile.

Truly, though, this made me reconsider how I approach housework (and cooking dinner, and putting kids to bed, and getting kids to do homework, etc.).  My attitude and disposition will teach my kids SO much more than the actual chores (or whatever it is we’re doing) will.

My attitude, about everything, “will have a deep and lasting impact” on my children’s attitude, about everything. Maybe it’s best that I start to instil a sense of positivity towards chores and housework (even if just to see them do the vacuuming for once – I will get them cleaning the floors with our Bissell vacuum yet!).

I’m still not taking down my sign though.

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