Elite Blog Academy

I didn’t start this blog with the sole intent of making money.  Though that would sure be nice because it turns out blogging takes boat loads of time, I really just want to make this a place that is 100% helpful.  My intent right now is to simply build a community.  A community of people who want to live better lives.  And with that in mind, I still want to make this blog a good experience.  Easy to navigate and use. Packed with information people want to spend their time reading.


I was looking for ways to make this blog better in every way and I stumbled upon the Elite Blog Academy.  I’m not one to make a quick decision, especially when it comes to spending money, but I felt like this would be a good move for me–something that would move me in the direction I want to go.  So after stewing about it for one day, I signed up.

I don’t imagine there are a lot of bloggers who read this blog, but if there are, I highly highly HIGHLY recommend signing up for this course.


I don’t want to bore all my non-blogging readers with a ton of the details.  But.  Ruth (the designer of the course) is genuine, kind, and incredibly helpful.

I’m not even all the way through the course yet and I already think it’s underpriced for the value I’ve gotten from the course.  Two simple tricks alone have increased my blog traffic (and income) exponentially.  And the Unit on Pinterest and the Facebook group (which has now been converted into the forum) alone are worth the money.  But then there are 11 other units packed with so much information, tons of bonus material, and several live webinars to ask questions.  As well as e-mail access for any additional questions.


I definitely went into blogging a bit naive.  I had NO IDEA how much work was involved.  But Ruth walks you through it all, step-by-step, and shows you all the possibilities with blogging.  Which are truly endless.

She holds nothing back, will answer any questions, and tell you ANYthing you want to know.   And the wealth of knowledge from the other bloggers taking the course is truly priceless.  So many people willing to help.


This course is for bloggers of ALL levels.  Beginners (like me) all the way to seasoned bloggers (some in the course right now have been blogging for 7+ years and have 500,000+ page views a month).

And, there’s a 100% money-back guarantee if you don’t like the course for any reason.  Which you won’t need.  Trust me.


You can read ALL about the course, what it has to offer and what it can do for you by clicking on this link:


But you have to act FAST.  Registration goes up $100 after December 5th.  So if you’re looking to make your blog a better experience for your readers, jump on this.  Now.  Seriously.  Trust me.  It’s that good.

Course Materials

If anyone has specific questions, I would be MORE than happy to answer them.  Just shoot me an e-mail at [email protected] or ask in the comments.

{The link above is an affiliate link.  But I value trust WAY too much to recommend something I don’t support 100% not just something that helps earn money.  If you choose to do the course, I would super appreciate you buying it through this link so I can spend the time I need to spend making this blog better for my readers.}

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