I posted this on my Instagram account, but wanted to have it here as well.
“He hasn’t been in any lakes this year. He sits on the edge of the boat with his toes in the water and says “I’m getting used to it”. Then on the way home he’ll say “I’ll be brave next time and get in”.
He gets nervous at the lake. Maybe it’s the dark depths of black water, the waves, the potential of being run over by a boat, or the fish (sick). But yesterday he decided it was time to get in. So he climbed on the EZ ski.
As we let out the rope, I could see his face start to crumble. And the tears well in his eyes. And the immediate regret. He looked up at me. My instinct was to pull him back in. But instead, the boat of siblings and cousins (and mom) erupted in screams and cheers. “Yea Carter! You can do it!”
We started to pull him behind the boat. He looked down. Still fighting the fear. And then, he let go. Literally and figuratively. And the wind blew his hair and a small smile crept across his face. And we continued to cheer.
When he climbed back onto the boat, he looked at me and said “I’m so proud of myself for doing that.”
Our kids are capable of SO much. We just have to be willing to let them fight through the fear.

The kid will be on a ski next year!