The past few years I’ve really upped my game in the reading department. The most common question I get about that is “how do you have time to read?”. I don’t have more time than any other crazy busy person out there, I just make time. Reading matters to me.
Life the past few years has felt harder for a variety of reasons. And I realized instead of being an emotional eater, I’m an emotional reader :). So instead of stuffing my face with breadsticks or donuts, I just read a book. Oddly enough, I like to read pretty heavy stuff. I’m a huge fan of a memoir or a historical novel with some deep, heavy topics.
Anyway, here’s the books I read in 2017.
I read a lot of reeeeeeally good books this year so it’s hard to narrow it down to my very favorites. But here are some worth singling out (also please note I take no responsibility for language in any of these books–I can’t remember which ones have stronger language and which ones don’t–sorry. I’m able to look past some language if I think the message of the book adds value to my life. Take that for whatever it’s worth).
- Little Bee
The writing in this book is out of this world. So so good. If I read a book in less than two days, you know it’s a good one.
- Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood
This is a memoir about Trevor Noah. I had no idea who he was before I read the book. This was super interesting. I wanted to more about how he ended up where he did, but the first part of his life is fascinating.
- You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life
Possibly the best self-help book I’ve ever read.
- All the Bright Places
. This book is pretty heavy, and I don’t normally read Young Adult fiction, but man this one was good. Couldn’t put it down good. Her other book Holding Up the Universe
I also thought was really good.
- Killing Jesus (Bill O’Reilly’s Killing Series)
This is a non-religious account of the life and death of Jesus. I’ve read a lot about Jesus and I lived in Israel for four months studying his life and visiting all the places he lived, but I still learned so much in this book. Super interesting and very well written.
- Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
I’ve been making a very deliberate effort to simplify every aspect of my life and our family’s life. Less less less in just about every aspect. This book was super helpful in that pursuit.
I could go on and on with books I’ve loved, but this is at least a starting point of books worth reading.
You can see the books I read in 2016 and some of my favorites in this post.
I also share books I’ve read on Instagram if you want to follow me there (@ltross)!
If you have a book you’ve read and loved, let me know. I’m always looking for good books!
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