Every Day Photos Interview–Chari Pack

{If you missed the post about taking better Every Day photos, go check that out so you understand why I’m posting these interviews}


For those of you landing here for the first time, I’ll be posting interviews from some amazing people talking about why every day photos are important to them as well as sharing some of the photos of their “every day”.  All of these people live intentional and deliberate lives and they make an effort to document their days and tell the story of their family through photos.  They’re all the real deal and I’m excited and truly humbled they agreed to do this (they’re busy.  Like, really busy).

To read the first interview by Courtney Slazinik from Click it Up a Notch, click here.


Next up.

Chari Pack from Persnickety Prints. 

I don’t remember how I originally met Chari, but I’m so glad I did.  She started a photo printing business in Orem, Utah and she’s one of the best in the business. I print all my Project Life App 12×12 pages through her.  And I use her for many of my other printing needs.  Amazing quality and amazing customer service.  She also gives a lot of photo tips on her blog and on her Instagram feed (@persnicketyprints)


Here’s what Chari has to say about the importance of every day photos in her life.

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1.  A quick peek at Chari’s “story” (I got this from her website)

After a long search for high-quality affordable printing, Chari saw a need and created her own; Persnickety prints.  Before founding Persnickety Prints, Chari helped numerous organizations increase their online presence and revenue through her creative services.  Chari’s excellent retail knowledge and expertise comes from over 10 years of service at the retail industry giant, GAP.

When Charis is not working on the next innovative business idea, she is calling a customer about their low-resolution image or driving one of her 3 boys to a soccer game, or racing her mountain bike with her husband, Jon.


2.  Why are every day photos important to you?

Photos have been important to me since I was a child.  I grew up looking through scrapbooks, filming and watching home movies.  I spent hours cutting and pasting scrapbooks together with my mom.


3.  What is one of your favorite every day photos and why?

I’m rarely in photos.  I wish I had more photos with my boys when they were younger.  I’m a tired, swollen mess in this one, but I’m glad I have it.  Their little innocent faces reveal so much of their character.


4.  What type of photos do you wish you had more of from your childhood?

Non-posed photos!  My mom loved taking us to Olan Mills (anyone remember them?) or Kiddie Kandids.  I don’t have many everyday photos–always posed and during an event or vaction.


5.  What is one tip or piece of advice you would give to help people take “better” every day photos?

Capture the good, the bad, and the ugly!  It’s our life story.  We certainly want to remember all of the greatness, but it’s the trials and hard times that will keep us grounded, strong and hopefully influence the generations to come to do the same.


Thanks so much Chari!!  You can check out the Persnickety Prints website and blog for a lot of helpful information and for all your printing needs (they ship for a flat rate!).


To learn how to take better every day photos of YOUR family story, check out the EVERY DAY PHOTOS GUIDE.

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