When we first moved in our house we were super ambitious and planted a garden. The last few years, not so much. Now we just mooch off our neighbors. And we still have more zucchini than we know what to do with. Which is why this recipe comes in handy. It’s ridiculously good and helps use up all those garden grown zucchini’s our neighbors have so generously been sharing with us.
On to the recipe.
3 cups of cooked and pureed zucchini.
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 TBSP butter
1/2-3/4 cup cheese (grated Cheddar or torn up American slices are best)
1/2 cup evaporated milk
1 tsp. salt (or salt to taste)
Slice zucchini into 1/2″ rounds, put in pot, boil and cook until tender. Drain water from cooked zucchini and put the cooked zucchini in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour zucchini into pot (i just wipe out the pot I boiled it in real quick). Add the rest of the ingredients and mix it all together. Heat on stove until warmed through.
**Some tips** I also blend the cream of mushroom soup so there aren’t little chunks of mushroom. My husband has a disdain for chunks in his creamy soup. I get it. So I blend the soup first and then pour it in.
I always use freshly grated cheddar cheese because freshly grated cheese melts better than already grated cheese you buy at the store. True story. And I’m not a huge fan of American cheese although it tastes perfectly fine in this soup.
You can cook and puree the zucchini, let it cool, pop it in a freezer bag and save it to make soup another time. You can also make the batch of soup and freeze that as well. Both freeze great.
You can use some of the leftover water from the cooked zucchini pot to thin the soup out a bit depending on how creamy you want it.
3 cups of pureed zucchini is usually one big zucchini from the garden. And I almost always double or triple this recipe so I can freeze some for later or take some to a neighbor (link is to TONS of awesome ways to help those around you for whatever reason).
This soup is SO good in a bread bowl. So so good.
Try it. I think you’ll like it.