Grilled corn, avocado and tomato salad with honey lime dressing. So good.

I’m grateful for Pinterest for so many reasons.  The biggest being all the new recipes I’ve found there.  I’m not a great cook, nor do I love to cook (though I love to eat) so any help I can get in the kitchen department is welcomed with open arms.

My biggest beef with most recipes, however, is that EVERY Pinterest recipe is “the best thing you’ve ever tasted”, “your family will love you”, “your life will never be the same” recipes.  Turns out–not true.  There’s some pretty awful recipes on there (or I executed them wrong which could totally be the case).  But THIS recipe.  This recipe is a keeper (and I so wish I could remember where I originally found it).  SO SO SO good.  And easy.  Trust me.  Your mouth will love you.


Grilled Corn, Avocado, Cilantro and Tomato salad with Honey-lime dressing.


1 pint grape tomatoes cut in halves (super good with home-grown tomatoes)

1 avocado cut into chunks

2 ears of fresh corn-on-the-cob (I’ve tried canned corn–it’s just not the same)

2 Tbsp fresh cilantro, chopped


3 Tbsp vegetable oil

1 Tbsp honey

Juice of 1 lime

1 clove garlic, minced (or use already minced garlic from a can if you’re efficient like me)

sea salt and fresh cracked pepper, to taste


Remove husks from corn and grill over medium heat for 10-15 minutes.  I use a special pan (I call it special because I don’t know the real name for it) for this on the stove but you could also do it on a bbq or a George Foreman type grill.  It definitely makes a difference if you grill the corn.  Rotate the corn every few minutes until all sides are cooked.  There will be some brown spots on the corn.  You want it to be tender, but not mushy.


Slice the tomatoes in half.  Cube the avocado.  Chop the cilantro.  High-tech kitchen stuff.

IMG_4949Once the corn is cooked, let cool for a few minutes (seriously–it’ll burn you if you try too soon.  Yes, I’ve tried too soon).  Once cooled enough to handle without burn-risk, cut the corn off the cob.  Mix the corn, avocado, cilantro, and tomatoes in a bowl.  Be careful not to be too aggressive and mush the avocado.

Add all of the dressing ingredients in a separate bowl and mix well to combine.  Pour the dressing over the salad and let sit for 10-15 minutes to let it all blend.

IMG_4938You can eat this plain, but it’s reeeeeally good with tortilla chips.  I like the blue corn tortilla chips from Trader Joe’s because they’re really salty (gosh I love salt).  But any tortilla chips would do.


If you want some ideas of other GREAT food finds, you’ll want to read this.

You can also follow my “healthier dinners” board on Pinterest for some healthier meal ideas.

Or, just follow ALL my boards on Pinterest.  Cause I pin good stuff.  And only good stuff.

And if you’re looking for some good sites to follow for GOOD recipes and many that are relatively simple, I recommend checking out Mel’s Kitchen Cafe and Damn Delicious.  I don’t know either of them.  Just found them through friends.  Both great sites!!

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