Today is my dad’s BIRTHDAY. And in honor of this day, his day, here are some of the things I love when I think about my dad.
1. Never pass up an opportunity to serve someone else. My dad has given his LIFE to helping other people. And I have never, EVER seen him act like it’s an inconvenience. Because of his profession as a doctor, people ask him to do things all.the.time. For free. And he always does it with a willing heart.
2. Don’t act like you’re better than anyone else. My dad can put people at ease no matter the situation. Because he treats them like an equal. He also gets asked allll sorts of questions, and I have never seen him try to make someone feel stupid or talk to them in a condescending tone.
3. No trace camping. Whenever we went camping, my dad always made sure the spot we stayed at was better than the way we found it. Our goal was to leave the campground with NO trace we had ever been there. Same goes for church. Pick up the trash. Leave no trace behind.
4. Never ride in a car without a seatbelt. Growing up, my dad had a picture of a woman with half her face ripped off attached to the visor in the car. The woman was in a car accident and had no seat belt on. If anyone ever gave him grief about wearing a seatbelt, he wouldn’t say a word. He’d just pull down the visor and there was the torn apart woman. And the complainer would promptly put on their seatbelt.
5. If something is worth doing, it’s worth overdoing. My dad never half-asses anything. Ever. It’s one of my favorite qualities about him. He’s thorough about the little things as much as he is about the big things. (This is unfortunately something I did not inherit from him–I’m workin’ on it).
6. Waste not, want not. Sometimes my dad overdoes this one and we have to sneak expired food into the garbage. He is the poster child for reduce, reuse, recycle. He uses empty nut jars from Costco for all his nails and screws. And cardboard milk boxes to store magazines. Never wastes.
7. Sloooooow down. The only time I’ve ever seen my dad “rushed” is when a neighbor has called him with a life-threatening emergency (which has happened numerous times during my life). Other than that, my dad takes his sweet time. He never seems rushed through life. He is present in the moment and happy to take life slowly.
8. Take 4 ibuprofen with food. We tease my dad all the time about this. For most complaints we had as kids (or even now as adults), his remedy always seems to be “Take 4 ibuprofen WITH FOOD”. Most the time I don’t even call him anymore. I just take the ibuprofen.
9. Never give up on your kids. My parents have had their fair share of tough kid challenges. But there’s one thing I know–my dad (and mom) would never give up on any of us. They love us. No matter what choices we make. They’ve been put to the test on this one so I can say this with certainty.
10. Teach by example. I don’t remember my dad “telling” me many things growing up. Most of his teaching was through action. He sent “messages” to his kids by DOING things instead of SAYING things. And it was pretty effective teaching.
One of the most quality human beings you’ll ever meet.
And for everyone’s viewing pleasure: (My kids watch this over and over and over)
Happy Birthday dad!! I love you.

What an amazing Dad! It explains a lot about you and Jeremy. (o: I love this tribute and I am sure your dad will read it over and over. Nice job!
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