A friend of mine told me about this Instagram feed she was following. @humansofny
Said it was a “must follow”. So I checked it out.
She was right. It’s a must follow. I’ve spent an hour the past two nights scrolling through all the photos and reading the snippets of their stories. It’s fascinating. Captivating. Inspiring. Sometimes sad. Sometimes makes me laugh.
But the bottom line, it further emphasizes we ALL have a story to tell. And we’re all connected. We all belong to each other. And we’re similar in more ways than we’re different.
Some examples:
“What’s your biggest remaining goal in life?”
“Honestly, I just want to keep on. I’ve got a job with The City, and it’s hard to do much better than that. I’ve got a pension. I’ve got benefits. And there’s no better job security. You’ve got to fire yourself if you work for The City. You have to do wrong. If I work at that store across the street, they can tell me they don’t need my services anymore. The City can’t do that.”
“I pretty much only read fantasy because I’ve had more than enough of reality.”
“I wanted to be in the FBI, but then I found out that first you have to be a police officer for four years. And I don’t think I want to do that.”
“Why not?”
“I’m literally five feet tall. If I tried to arrest someone, they’d think they were being pranked.”
“I’ve got a whole stack of books in my cart. Most of them are advance copies. I know a place where they get thrown out.”
“How many books have you read?”
“So why are you homeless?”
“I’ve tried to work a job a bunch of times. But then I get sad, and then I get high, and things fall apart.”
That last one got to me. For so many reasons.
You can follow them on instagram or Facebook. Or check out the website at www.humansofny.com
Or buy the book with some of the pictures and stories featured in it. You can get that on Amazon here:
What a brilliant project idea! I actually have had a somewhat similar project idea in the works in my brain for years now. Hoping one day it will become reality. But right now I’m in the business of saving lives of little human people. And I’m happy to be in that season of my life.
Go check it out! Be prepared to stay there awhile.