“We create to find out what’s true”

Let it be known, writing articles for this blog is not always easy for me.  Sometimes, it’s actually quite hard.  And super uncomfortable.  

I grew up not sharing many emotions.  So doing that on this blog doesn’t come naturally or easy for me.

But I’m trying to embrace being intentionally uncomfortable.  Because apparently it’s good for growth.  At least that’s what people keep telling me.

Writing in a space like this can be risky.  People seem to think that commenting on facebook, or a blog post doesn’t hurt people when they say something mean.  Or maybe they do know it hurts people and they do it anyway.  Regardless, writing, especially about things of the heart, is a vulnerable adventure.  

I fully recognize I may not always be right.  But I write to find truth.  And in the moment I write something, that IS my truth.  In that moment.

Each day, sometimes each moment, I change.  And become someone new.  And writing helps me grow.  Writing helps EVERYONE grow.  Whether you share it with the world, or keep it to yourself.  Writing seems to make things more clear.  It helps me find truth.

I read the following quote about writing and it was a perfect nudge to keep on doing what I’m doing.  Because I believe in building a community of people around this blog who want to live intentional lives and create better life stories.

“Don’t waste your time, energy, and heart defending yourself.  Not because your’re not wrong, but because of course you’re wrong.  Anybody who doesn’t know that we are most certainly all wrong is a little scary to me.  

Luckily, art is not about right and wrong.  We don’t create to find out what’s right, we create to find out what’s true.  Right now.  Not forever, right exactly now.  And what’s true is whatever was born inside your moment of creativity.  Create your true thing and then let it loose into the world to do what it will….

Every moment I’m someone new.  This is why we writers never stop writing.  Not because there is new material–but because WE are new material”
                                                          Glennon Doyle Melton

Everyone’s a writer.  And everyone is a “creative”.  Whether you know it or not.  So if you’ve considered it, give it a whirl.  It may just change your life.

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2 thoughts on ““We create to find out what’s true””

  1. Thanks for sharing your ideas about writing. I especially appreciate your comment about the joy, importance and painfulness of writing —
    “…writing, especially about things of the heart, is a vulnerable adventure.”

    I taught the writing process for 32 years. I am a practicing writer, in that I write everyday in some way or another. I cannot know what I know until I write about it. I have written journals, personal narratives, stories, poetry, and newspaper columns since my 20’s. I have published a few things, but find that my best purpose in writing is to discover what is really going on inside my head and heart. Writing is soul-searching.
    I must say, however, that I am considering starting a blog. Thus I am especially interested in what you do in your blog and am delighted that you are candid, honest, and true to what you believe is right. Perhaps I will get the courage to start a blog one of these days. I have many interests — gardening, reading, bible study, cats (my babies), home, crafting, and art. Thanks for your inspiring blog.

    1. Hi again Debbie!

      DO IT!!!! START A BLOG. This has honestly been a HUGE blessing in my life. A great way to get my thoughts out onto “paper” but also an incredible way to connect with people. The world needs people to give back the good they have in them. I have no doubt the world would be blessed by what you have to say! You can start with a simple blogger blog and just start writing. I blogged four about 8 months before I even told anyone I was doing it. I wanted to find my voice before people started reading. Turns out I’m still trying to find my voice, but it’s fun to have people reading along the way.

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