Summer Bucket List 2014

Each summer we sit down as a family and plan out what we’d like to do for the summer.  My kids contribute and then Mike and I fill in.  

I try to balance summer between work and play.  It’s nice to have a little extra time to teach them new chores and have them help a little more around the house.  Last week Jaida said “summer just means we have to do more chores.”  And I added “it also means we get to have a lot more fun”.  But yes, I do expect them to help more around the house.  It’s good for them.

We also try to use summer as a time to challenge them a little.  Get them to do more things that scare them (stuff behind the boat) or they think are too hard (hiking).  Say Yes to adventure!  And spend as much time as possible together as a family.  

I print off the summer bucket list and hang it up where we can all see it.  My kids keep me accountable to make sure we do the things on our list.  There are usually a few stragglers on the list we never get to (like food fight–they keep adding this every year and we’ve never done it).  But we do our best to fit in what we can.

Here’s this years list if anyone needs some ideas.

If you need a little extra motivation, you can join the Summer Bucket List challenge that my friend does and win prizes for completing your list.

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